Canada Vaccinating Children by Force
Under the New World Order that is being set up, all of our constitutional rights will be trampled upon, while the Antichrist system enforces its policies through force upon the people. Soon misguided political leaders working with church officials will attempt to force the world to receive the mark of the beast. -Advent Messenger Commentary
Canadian Parents Outraged After School Officials Vaccinate Their Children Without Consent
Naturalnews.comMarch 23, 2014

Controversy has erupted in western Canada after public school nurses reportedly vaccinated a 14-year-old student without her parents' consent. reports that the Bootsma family of British Columbia is furious and demanding answers after their ninth-grader was pulled out of class one day and coerced into getting the combination DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis) vaccine without a parental consent form or even parental notification.
Dean Bootsma says his daughter became a target of the state after school officials learned that she had not been jabbed like most of the other children in her class, a conscious and deliberate decision that he and his wife made after their other daughter died following routine vaccinations. Believing that their now-14-year-old daughter, who has chosen to remain anonymous, may also have a predisposition to vaccine adverse events, the Bootsmas hoped to take the precautionary route by avoiding vaccines altogether.
Labels: Health Crisis, New World Order, Police State
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