Saturday, January 24, 2015

Adventists Partner with leaders of other Faiths

Adventists Partner with leaders of other Faiths

A banquet was held Dec. 14, 2014, at the Yale Seventh Day Adventist Church: from left, the Rev. Dr. Jon Veal, pastor, New Center Star Baptist Church, Yale, Va.; the Rev. Dr. Carol W. Robb, pastor, Hunting Quarter Baptist Church, Stony Creek, Va., and chairman of the Faith Based Coalition of Pastors and Leaders of Sussex County; the Rev. Dan Thomas, elder, Yale Seventh Day Adventist Church, Yale, Va.; the Rev. Danny Tucker Sr., pastor, Jerusalem Baptist Church, Jarratt, Va.; the Rev. Dr. Willie Derr, pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, Yale, Va.; Laura Dunam, Food Bank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore; the Rev. Rick Shull, elder, Yale Seventh Day Adventist Church, Yale, Va.; and Kevin Bracey, business owner, Stony Creek, Va.

The Progress Index | January 3, 2015

Yale Seventh Day Adventist partners with Faith Based Coalition of Pastors and Leaders of Sussex County to feed the community

The Yale Seventh Day Adventist Church, along with the Faith Based Coalition of Pastors and Leaders of Sussex County, teamed up to provide a point of distribution for the Food Bank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore. Food distribution for the Yale location has been in service since April 2014. Prior to this time, food distribution was taking place at the Sussex County Courthouse.

On Dec. 14, 2014, a banquet was held at the Yale Seventh Day Adventist Church to show appreciation to volunteers for their first year of service. During this first year the group successfully distributed food to area residents in the amounts of: an average of 225 households, 482 individuals, and almost 75,000 pounds of food.

There are over 50 volunteers from area churches and the local community.

Since the start of its food distribution service last April, Yale Seventh Adventist Church has built a pavilion which will allow the volunteers to serve the public in rainy or cold weather. On the first Tuesday of each month, the box truck from the food bank arrives at 10 a.m.

During the banquet, Donna Kelly, Agency Relations manager, Food Bank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore, expressed the food bank’s appreciation for monetary donations made to the food bank during the year and the blessed work of the volunteers. This work continues throughout the commonwealth of Virginia because of the generous donations of individuals and organizations, she said.

